Goldbar Chinchillas: What Are They?

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  • Goldbar chinchillas are a beautiful, but rare, color of chinchilla.
  • They get their name from the gold hue in their fur shafts.
  • While they may not be as popular as other colors of chinchilla, they are still unique and special animals.
  • Goldbar chinchillas are a recessive white, which means that two carriers are needed to produce them.
  • They can range in color from a homo beige to a pink white with a cloudy pale beige gathering down the back.
  • Due to the unique color of their fur, Goldbar chinchillas often have a hard time competing with other colors of chinchilla at shows.

Goldbar Chinchillas are a beautiful, but rare, color of chinchilla. They get their name from the gold hue in their fur shafts. While they may not be as popular as other colors of chinchilla, they are still unique and special animals.

Color of chinchillas

Goldbar chinchillas

Goldbar chinchillas are a recessive white, which means that two carriers are needed to produce them. They can range in color from a homo beige to a pinkwhite with a cloudy pale beige gathering down the back.

Due to the unique color of their fur, Goldbar chinchillas often have a hard time competing with other colors of chinchilla at shows. However, this does not make them any less special. They are still unique animals that are loved by their owners.

It’s a rare color though and they are pricey . I’ve seen them go for as much as $1000. But if you’re looking for a beautiful and unique pet, a Goldbar chinchilla is the perfect choice.

Getting one

I had always wanted a chinchilla. They are such unique and special animals, and I loved the way they looked. When I learned about the Goldbar chin, I knew that was the color I wanted.

Unfortunately, they are not as popular as other colors of chinchilla and are a little harder to find. I spent months searching online for a breeder who specializes in them. Eventually, I found one and ordered my Goldbar chin.

She arrived a few weeks later and was absolutely beautiful. The gold in her fur shafts was stunning, and I loved her unique color. She has been a wonderful pet and I am so glad I was able to find a breeder who specializes in Goldbar chinchillas.

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Hi, my name’s Elena Coolidge, and this is my site. Chinchillas are so cute and such intelligent animals that make great pets. They’ve become the subject of fascination for many animal lovers who enjoy their antics. I blog about their care, where to buy them, breeders, and more. Shoot me an email if you have a question!

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